Hi, I'm Supawich Orian!

Past is a lesson. Future is a test. Present hereby is what I'm living to learn.

How're ASEAN Women Lives?
When we talk about ASEAN, one of topics should be pick up is "women power". So, here is the project talking about it via data and then present this with data visualization and storytelling.
Clustering of our WORLD
Participating THE WORLD DATA VISUALIZATION PRIZE competition as team to develop web dashboard about the world data and won "Interactive Third Place". My responsibility is part of data analysis and data visualization & dashboard design.
ประเมินที่ดินถิ่นย่าโม; Land Appraisal Value Analysis
นำข้อมูลราคาประเมินที่ดินจังหวัดนครราชสีมา ปี พ.ศ. 2559-2562 ไฟล์ .pdf มาวิเคราะห์เล่น ๆ ช่วงไม่มีงานทำว่ามี insights อะไรน่าสนใจบ้าง 🤔
DataViz Design with Justice
Consulting, designing and generating data visualization of crime datasets for Office of Justice Affair, Ministry of Justice of Thailand, which is a new field to me, by considering precision, accuracy and insights of usage of charts
Internship @Punch Up
Internship as Digital designer to create and design data visualization for data storytelling by considering context, content and how visualization portray the key message of data
Mass shooting
Article about data analysis of mass shooting in USA to compare context with Thailand.
InfoViz COVID-19
Analyzing COVID-19 data from 2019 - 2021 to see the first location of big-wide-spreading cluster in Thailand and creating information visualizion
Collab with journalism student
Consulting and exchanging experiences and data knowledge for a project of students at Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University 2021
Data Journalism Rookie
Attending Data Incubator opening, which is community for data journalism to exchange and share knowledge about data and communication field, at Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University
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